I'm Sean Huang,

an aspiring Software Engineer. I'm in my first year, studying Computing Science at the University of Alberta. I'm usually occupied with school work, but in the free time I have, I like to play the piano, participate in programming contests, watch anime, and play video games such as League of Legends. Below this bio, you will find a few of my projects and some of my handles.

Toronto Jobs Web Scraper

web scraper output Extracts job information such as job description, location, and salary from the City of Toronto Jobs website.

"Nightmares" Horror Game

game preview A survival-horror 3d shooter game that adapts depending on the player's heartrate, which is measured using the BioAmp EXG Pill. Team project for natHACKS 2023.

"Dealer" Discord Bot

poker game A discord bot for clasic casino games such as Poker and Blackjack.


